
Showing posts from January 22, 2020

Resuming Independence

  Scotland/Alba Scotland's right to self-determination is upheld by Scottish constitutional law and supported by international law. Scotland needs permission from no organisation in any land anywhere to recall Scotland's Parliament, holding parliamentary elections so to do. Nor is there any need for another referendum, for the will of the people has been expressed with more than adequate clarity for decades, even centuries. What we need now is for our elected representatives to put the will of the people into effect , IF NECESSARY, WITHOUT FURTHER REFERENCE TO WESTMINSTER.

Recomencing at 47 + posts...

                                                        My return and assessingly viewing... It's been quite a while since I've last sat here to press these keys and hopefully, I'll remain a regular/semipermanent attendant?! I'm so out of touch with this option that it tends to blur in amongst much of what seems, presently, to be in a state of fluxation - so much flux, that it's not easy to say why! 🙁 Anyway, rather than see uncertain text, the text needs to inspire the occasional smile 😊 ~ happily, emojis are readily available, but it seems more natural when reacting to reality itself; so, as I sit here in this second section of our Workshop... where it tends to feel like one of a number of workshops (including the garden toolshed), thereby, we think of the workshops at 27, which is the house number... so to say 'Workshops27' fits with b...