Recomencing at 47 + posts...

                                                        My return and assessingly viewing...

It's been quite a while since I've last sat here to press these keys and hopefully, I'll remain a regular/semipermanent attendant?! I'm so out of touch with this option that it tends to blur in amongst much of what seems, presently, to be in a state of fluxation - so much flux, that it's not easy to say why! 🙁

Anyway, rather than see uncertain text, the text needs to inspire the occasional smile 😊 ~ happily, emojis are readily available, but it seems more natural when reacting to reality itself; so, as I sit here in this second section of our Workshop... where it tends to feel like one of a number of workshops (including the garden toolshed), thereby, we think of the workshops at 27, which is the house number... so to say 'Workshops27' fits with both feeling and reality! 😉

So there you have a smiling winking face ~ more finger movement/exercise! 💓


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