
An independent Scotland's Place in the World...

This paper sets out the Scottish Government's proposals for an independent Scotland's place in the world. This eleventh paper in the ‘Building a New Scotland’ series sets out the Scottish Government’s vision for an independent Scotland in the world. This summary shows that independence will mean that Scotland takes its place in the international community, alongside 193 other United Nations member states, able to join the European Union with the powers necessary to protect its citizens and prosper in the global economy. Independence would also mean that Scotland gets to determine the type of state it wants to be on that world stage—one that acts based on its values and principles, promotes human rights and development, and builds partnerships with other countries and international organisations to address global challenges. An independent Scotland would be a good global citizen, working towards peace and security in the interests of Scotland’s people. This summary is available ...

Restore Our Constitution ~

Restore Our Constitution ~                                                                   Join Salvo and campaign with thousands of others who want to secure Scotland’s self-determination and restore our constitution... Please review the following:- The Claim of Right: * Scotland is an independent country in a union with England, a union that is governed by the 1707 Treaty of Union. That treaty has a get-out clause for Scotland called the Claim of Right, an act of the old Scottish Parliament. The Claim of Right is a fundamental condition of the treaty that preserved in all time coming the sovereignty of the Scottish people. We all need to get that message out to everybody in Scotland. We need to get them to sign the Edinburgh Proclamation and build the Scottish Liberation Movement. * Join the Scottish Liberation Move...
  Brothers Brothers Angus and   Roderick Both Scottish Highlanders were struck Young Angus fatally... While Roddy not Roddy, becoming a more fortunate Scot. Forever remembering, loved With Lost, injured and loved   All are commemorated Eternally, commended Remering through our ages While lacing histories pages Angus's memories truly last, Always echoing through the past   Safely, you walk in the freedom And welcomed as if you come Safely in freedom, as was won Hare basking in freedom's sun Ewenart © Ewen A Morrison {Angus and Roderick,  Scottish brothers}
 Colonized-elites SNP elite has chosen to serve as a colonial administration Extremely deceitful and most treacherous NuSNP's deception The colonizers' agents are ignorant: where sovereignty lies The politicians aren't serving their voters; so we despise Both Holyrood and Westminster, hey have condemned their own  Nation and people through their inaction and deceit: disown The outcome's “a calcified colonized society”  -  UK beside Originating internally alongside corset imposed from outside More than three centuries have passed - as I'm writing this And realising that our ancestors had similar feelings to us Centuries, more like minutes, between the ages we discuss...  Quietly Resuming Scotland's independence peacefully, no fuss! Ewenart © Ewen A Morrison ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Elegant Elegance sounds both grand and respectable  But the above can sound rather egotistical Also/agus, my old-man was quietly ineffable Our bilingual forbears were/are respecta...

Poetry/Prose Drafting

Rediscovering Reusing?             From  Wed. 17.01.2024 👍 Drafting Section Poems + Obfuscate Make obscure, unclear, or unintelligible Don't mention Westminster; incomparable?  I'm a humble Wordsmith scribbler, Y' see However, WE doodling scribblers, decree That my amateur rhyming's a superiority London's political nonsensical stupidity Unravelling Kingdoms eventually disappear Afterwards, reborn countries do reappear! Ewenart © Ewen A Morrison e,24.12.22 Purblind Having an impaired or defective vision; partially blind Slow or unable to understand; dim-witted - bear in mind Ineffably for insanity, Westminster might come to mind Unreal Kingdoms and London's dominance of MSM's unkind Slow or unable to understand... Simply being dim-witted Having impaired or defective vision - NEVER is admitted Alas, did NOT study Scottish-English history from 1705 Professor Alfred Baird contrasts this to everyone alive Contempt for the people of a nation older...