Rediscovering Reusing? From Wed. 17.01.2024 👍
Drafting Section
Poems +
Make obscure, unclear, or unintelligible
Don't mention Westminster; incomparable?
I'm a humble Wordsmith scribbler, Y' see
However, WE doodling scribblers, decree
That my amateur rhyming's a superiority
London's political nonsensical stupidity
Unravelling Kingdoms eventually disappear
Afterwards, reborn countries do reappear!
Having an impaired or defective vision; partially blind
Slow or unable to understand; dim-witted - bear in mind
Ineffably for insanity, Westminster might come to mind
Unreal Kingdoms and London's dominance of MSM's unkind
Slow or unable to understand... Simply being dim-witted
Having impaired or defective vision - NEVER is admitted
Alas, did NOT study Scottish-English history from 1705
Professor Alfred Baird contrasts this to everyone alive
Contempt for the people of a nation older than England
Scotland had just been told it was a second-class land
What's known as cultural and linguistic imperialism...
Realising that self-determination's becoming a REALISM
Independence is decolonisation, where there's no choice
People’s independence, liberation-decolonisation-voice
Exploitation and oppression the perishing of an entire
People, their nations and culture are bound to expire.
In 2022, we're now in an entirely different existence
This IS factual, yet some history has a consistence...
Scotland can mark this time as when we are Independent
Again to rejoin the international nation's contingent!
Sunday, Sabbath, or "Sàbainnd" as parents said
Through bilingual expressions emerging in head
Natural communications, between minds unsaid
Through evolving years eckoing eternally?
Traitorous people were bought & sold, English gold
Presently, the Unreal Kingdom continues to unfold
Yesterday's gone, but today marks our fresh start
Restoring an independent place in our world's heart!
Words are enough to form this piece for us
Quatrain, perhaps, couplet rhyming, no fuss
Four lines a-rhyming give a pleasant plus
Hopefully, at least, eventually, you suss.
Unilateral Declaration of Independence echoes our source
Also, Scotland's politicians are normal people, of course
A Scotland population is 'sovereign people', each person
This has been respectfully remembered... our accretion
© Ewen A Morrison
Both he and brother Roderick
Two more Scottish lads struck
Angus fatally... yet Roddy not
Brother the more fortunate Scot
Eternally remembered-loved
Lost and injured are beloved
Quietly calmly contemplative
As done - knew and meditative
Revered through passing ages
While lacing histories pages
Angus's memories do last
And echoes throughout past
While we're walking in freedom
And welcoming as if you come
Here in freedom, as was won
We're basking in freedom's sun.
1707 - 2022
Speaker of the English Parliament said of Scotland,
When the Acts were signed “ We have catched her and
Will hold her tight” lest we forget it out of hand?
But we never, ever will; not while Scots understand!
We reject violence so that leaves the legal route,
Peacefulness today is the point that'll best suit,
Resumption of Scotland's rightful place, in the world;
Therefore, 2022 will correct as the future's unfurled.
The shiny coins of 1707 still hold the same allure
After more than 300 years. It is the People who are
Sovereign, not false idols shaped by today's London;
2022's almost done, soon newness will be common.
© Ewen A Morrison
“My Dad”... to their Son,
Cosmos-bred and began;
Wisdom's near and afar,
To be loved ---- our star.
Wisdom’s known ‘n’ shared,
Topics, plenty, nil spared...
Questions posed, & cleared;
Beloved children endeared.
Parents, seeing your glow,
Life's story, we let it show.
All challenges, to solve;
Ultimately you'll evolve.
Learn answers Hereafter,
Celebrating this chapter;
Story endures, never ends,
Our peacefulness extends.
Dad x
Certain cases were still pending,
Awaiting a decision, understanding;
But, kind-heartedness IS missing:
UK is really the misunderstanding!
© Ewen A Morrison
Koda's Pack
Loves his pack, from Perth's branch,
Scotland's Perth City there surrounds,
West-side members are another Ranch;
If Koda's eaten, joined happy hounds!
We're as we are, everyone might say,
Life's story, both follows and guides,
'As-were' lies behind you ~ anyway;
Ultimately, fresh discovering glides!
In his earlier days, and these earlier times,
Echoing Morrison's motorcycling history...
His motorcycling notions... later 'refines';
Also determined - add a personal story!
© Ewen A Morrison

e. 22.6.22//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Act of Union?

Entered into a treaty, lasted centuries,
On 23.6.2022, I composed this piece;
Both nations are diametrically different;
So, nowadays are separating in peace?

The Unrealistic Kingdom is not fitting,
As more and more are realising... now;
Abroad and here where I'm sitting;
Peace is vital... amicably, that's how!

Having grandchildren being thankful,
After restoring what's been lost before;
Mistakes happened, but being truthful,
Fresh celebrations, coming, therefore!


Practising ~
Brazing exercises are soon to be practised
Hoping to resume what I'd managed before...
Many forms of artwork... beats unpractised;
Ultimately, a happy amateur - that's fair!
© Ewen A Morrison
Who said the Unreal Kingdom is really useless?
I know it was no one person in particular here;
It was multitudinous instead of any singularness,
OK, I understand of course... Populationousmess!
© Ewen A Morrison
Old friendship? In our second language... I explain;
I was born to a bilingual family, agus some remains.
You and I were so close... If not so? There IS pain!
I'm sorry to be unsure here; whoever truly explains?
Perhaps an Ineffable situation, as it seems to me,
But to ignore this without questioning, cannot be;
If one never questions, there are NO answers, see?
Writing/talking to one's self... implies insanity!
Anyway, being between two minds is truly possible,
That is actually the case with bilingual people...
Maybe monoglot individuals feel it's impossible;
However, I don't agree with them... Being gullible?
In closing, I'm leaving this rhyming creation here
Being composed as both a practising exercise and (a)
The questioning piece that's bilingualist and clear;
Perhaps just an old amateur's poetic blah, blah?
© Ewen A Morrison
Is Scottish Gaelic for beautiful, bonny, pretty
And bilingually, this in itself is delightfully
Wonderful for someone like myself to identify...
Steòrnabhach: pertains to Stornoway; and me!
Thence, 'Stornowegian' IS being between minds
Are words that come from my deepest memories
And this being an ineffable aspect of our kinds;
Bilingually... some sort of bilingual plenaries?
Yesterday's gone and tomorrow's times impending,
Guinness, in draught form, and from a can,
One way 0r the other, the taste buds approve;
Good dining and fine wines are a fine plan...
Better still, with Guinness, I always approve.
In Scottish Gaelic òl is drinking, imbibing,
Bilingualism allows the creation of Bio-rhym;
Hereby composing and sharing as describing,
Enjoying writing what might well be sublime?
Love beer... yet Coffee IS A Hug In A Mug,
As black as the Ace of Spades and to hand,
Even Nectar cannot be sweeter in the jug;
Both drinks equally in first place stand!
© Ewen A Morrison
Independent Scotland All The Way,
To my delighted surprise.... see?
Yes, IS the right answer to say,
Ages pass, ~ and soon FREE!
Ewenart x
© Ewen A Morrison
Act of Union? 🙃
THIS treaty, having lasted centuries,
Held together, through wars and peace,
Two nations, diametrically different;
Yet, and are likely to separate in peace. 😉
The Unrealistic Kingdom is not fitting,
Formed in 1922 - Disuniting's impending
Internationally and local awareness now,
Peace is vital, amicable and that's how! 🙂
We and our descendants will be thankful,
Restoring what was lost, to be tranquil,
Mistakes have happened, to be truthful;
Fresh celebrations, and to be fruitful! 💓
Ewenart 🏴
© Ewen A Morrison
e. 16.10.22
Is today's supporting Scotland's independence resumption,
And of course, this is BEFORE our campaigning has begun...
England's government already knows of our expectations;
Via SSRG, Scotland's closer to firing our starter gun!
Ewenart 🏴
© Ewen A Morrison
Conversation and/or communication in misty memories
Bilingually drifting to and fro... barely clarities
However, online investigation is now available here
Sometimes accurately - otherwise, it's nowhere near!
Ewenart 🏴
© Ewen A Morrison
Didn't engage in conversation; for
She was withdrawn and preoccupied,
Unable to converse with her father,
Thoughts unspoken instead subsumed.
Ewenart 🏴
© Ewen A Morrison
Parental in my second/main language
Bilingually absorbed, as a package;
When one's partner isn't likewise...
Tolerance is essential, or partage?
Ewenart 🏴
© Ewen A Morrison
"For scribblers such as myself", knowing others exist
Very encouraging to know: another's articles persist
I've been a scribbler since my primary school times
In his jotters, a wee boy's writing's OK, sometimes
"Please Miss", inner page scribbling can't be Ewen's
His drawings are much better than his handwriting is
Copperplate writing meant nothing in Primary school
Seanair's (grandfather's), memories do provide fuel
Closing here, with thanks for your time, as I rhyme
Bilingual writing's interesting... perhaps sublime?
© Ewen A Morrison
{Sgròbadh (act of) scribbling}
Reading what's on your mind Ewenart's Page
Well, this's interesting to be asked, sage
These days, My smaller pieces like my poems
Are signed with Ewenart, like my mini koans
Naturally enough, and echoing earlier years
Writing Ewenart on your PC, see what appears
Forgive me please, while this rhyming tries
Readers, viewing with happiness... or cries
Shrewd or spirited initiative and resourcefulness
Scottish people love it, a fond form of cleverness
A single word instead of many pretentious types
Childhood memories & and today's different likes
My 'Muirichinn' (children/family) bilingual branch
Born to Hebridean parents: a quite different ranch
With beautifully mixed ingredients, the dish's rich
Two languages naturally embued, happy to be betwixt
I'm closing with this stanza until the next piece;
However, Need to end this line with the word niece.
© Ewen A Morrison
Là na Neo-eisimeileachd!
Possibly, the reader can't read/pronounce
Yet writing's a peaceful style to announce
What's written here in my second language
Hope you'll excuse the mistakes in usage
Here you'll spot faulty bilingualism, perhaps
I'd be amazed if rhymes well, without cracks
If my parents were still alive, perhaps they
Would be unsettled by Gaelic's weaker display
Unraveling Kingdom (UK), certainly withering
Independence's natural resumed non-bickering
Scotland/Alba to regain original world place
Là na Neo-eisimeileachd, doing it with grace
© Ewen A Morrison