Kayak Marathon - 2009

                                                               Kayak Marathon 

   After parking, we carried our Kayaks to the shore. In little time, we both had all our items loaded and hatch covers in place. After a few exchanged words, we were paddling on the peaceful and tranquil Loch Awe. Scott's vessel leads the way initially. His Kayak is a deep blue, while mine is a light blue with a 'marbled' lighter blue effect... a 'luck-of-the-draw' situation, rather than choice. The forward position alternated, as the voyage progressed. We paddled in our customary relaxed and focused manner... in silence', bar the paddling sounds. 

   Without having spent much time in any detailed planning, we were content to paddle freely, knowing we'd recognise where and when to land, eat, and so forth. We were enjoying pastimes that suited both paddlers and our countryside, as many of our people may – without mentioning that we were enjoying father/son companionship, also. This close relationship is a blessing, of course... and no distraction from the comfortably natural friendship'... familial friendship threads through our family branch, especially with my wife and me! I'm pleased that both our 'children' are an interesting combination of their parents, for better or worse. On this occasion, my comfortable awareness related to our outdoor equipment: from our good quality kayak-gear to the camping kit we'd stowed aboard our vessels. 

   After an enjoyable outset phase of the voyage, we landed and set up the camping equipment. Firstly, I rigged a length of light rope to which we attached our Bashas. These sheets are a wonderful quality military-standard stock. During our perusal of individual items, I became alarmed upon realising my dreadful oversight! Instead of my excellent 'Four Seasons' sleeping bag, I'd mistakenly taken a much lighter 'bag... which we'd got for our elder grandson to use occasionally! I just had to accept my mistake, and thought: ''Sin mer a tha!'' (Gaelic, for ''That's how it is!''), which I used to hear my shrugging father say. My parents were both native speakers of our Scottish Gaelic, which, of course, was literally our 'Mother tongue'! While we all inherited the language, my brothers and I had virtually no opportunity to practice its use! However, as always, lack of practice creates a loss of ability! To discuss this as much as I could, would fill a library of books, at least. 

   Anyway, this discovery predicted a night's discomfort - which I deserved, of course! Our chosen spot lay within a few metres of the loch's level, which guaranteed the cold to expect! I can personally confirm that it was very cold indeed! Fairly early in the night, I noticed that my breathing caused the inside surface of my canopy to coat with a light layer of ice - visual evidence which proved the reality!
My reluctance to make any noise kept me where I was, in my severely cold enclosure. Eventually, however, there are limits to tolerance... I had to emerge and build a vital fire! Unavoidably, the sounds awakened Scott... his reaction was much more muted than it could have been, and he quietly returned to his warmer situation... anyway, the fire was built and lit, leaving me in an essentially better condition!

   Generally, apart from sleeping conditions, the venture was as enjoyable as I like, and we set out on our return journey, which went as well as many had before! When we reached within the final few hundred meters -  and remembering my own lack of sufficient sleep, which had reduced awareness and forward observation – the journey was abruptly interrupted when my Kayak suddenly grounded on a rock-ridge! Moments afterwards, I 'wriggled' the vessel off and safely back on an even keel again... I was delighted that our journey was nearing conclusion!

   By the time of our landing, I was convinced that  Dry-suits would be more suitable than the Wet-suits we were wearing during this voyage! Eventually, we invested in the best Dry-suits that we could find, and now feel much more comfortable than we had done before!
The future use of our Kayaks will be so much more enjoyable, and fresh plans are being considered by all who share our interests... happy times in prospect, and always!




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