"In my 'tewnties' "

                                                                        Safe Standards?

"In My Twenties"

Aye, right, Neil (in your mind), my friend,
I've known you from youth 'til adulthood;
But imagination's "dreaming", in the end!
You the man, me... more growth to enjoy? should

In later years, meeting time and time again,
ADIs we qualified as - both teaching/learning then!
Sharing similar interests... & without refrain.
Inevitably, our Retirement is pending... when? *

Our times touched in interesting manners,
'Tomorrow never comes', have often heard,
Then and now similar sorts of life spanners
But of course, it does - so believe my word!

Retirement comes, and then time to relax?
We can correct that false mantra: untruth!
Aye, as they say, but I'll differ ... not facts.
The world is unsure: from us to our youth?

© Ewen A. Morrison




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