Poetry Drafts
Expectations and desires for things to happen:
ambitions, aims, plans... dreams/daydreams are
the foremost within the mind... sans illusion;
from the darkest of possible forms - to a star?
Each to their own, we know - different outlooks;
"Le dùrachdan" / "With my best wishes" ~ perhaps,
when combining my languages, a stanza 'cooks'?
Time will tell, a good bake or a wee collapse!
I'm both writing and realising not to mix any
metaphors within my poetic pieces (sandwichs?),
Nevertheless, humourless poetry, I hereby see:
less appealing, as sometimes humour switches!
© Ewen A. Morrison
Useless Kingdom
Shadowy Scottish Unionist Trust,
bemusing, obsessed with plotters:
wishing Holyrood's ending 'a must':
Westminster's evidently in tatters!
London's parliament's imploding...
UK Government process's ending;
Tories mentalities are expanding:
dire foolishness there's blending!
Sans intelligence... of any style?
England's pain is not controlled:
arrangements aren't worthwhile;
electorate's wishes, not extolled!
Rescind that Union, and forever,
'bought & sold for gold', however...
since 2014, Scotland is fresher ~
Now we're ready: union to sever!
© Ewen A. Morrison
In love with Scotland? almost Scottish already!
Scots share your feelings... from their source;
almost everyone loves Alba/Scotland, happily
accepting newcomers: welcoming, of course!
The population’s ebbed and flowed historically:
fluctuations, for many reasons, happens now;
Alba will be your readily chosen home country,
Scotland/Alba is one and the same, that’s how!
Traditionally, we saw people leaving our shores,
for innumerable reasons… presently welcoming;
refreshingly revitalising….. Scotland ‘implores’:
upon arriving, “welcome” all Scotland’s to sing!
© Ewen A. Morrison
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