Today's snowy weather is remarkably interesting as poor Rosemary has decided to 'err on the safe side and take a bus to her workplace... however, buses also suffer from weather conditions - thankfully, her boss was happy to collect her and a workmate in his 4 x 4 vehicle ~ very handy‼️😉
Otherwise, while my photograph shows my motorcycle in its weatherproofing, I'm comfortable that the Kawasaki's safely parked for a wee while longer before I return it indoors to the usual place in the first unit of our Craftshop/workshop; and its location for positive care and relevant benefits. 👍
That workshop's the physical and ultimate evidence of what had been a long-held intention for a number of years and the conclusion of a long time project. because such notions seldom remain at the forefront of thought - while the description is an active element; the spirit of the prospect is truly ineffable: too great or extreme to be expressed or described in words! 🤔 ###
I'm realising that these sentences are growing from a few into paragraphs alongside accompanying photographs... these few sentences seem to evolve without forethought or planning - - - to my surprise, of course, because I'm only a novice 'keyboarder' - however, while I prefer to work with a pencil, pen, paintbrush, easel etc... even my handwriting itself is gradually becoming more enjoyable; I previously wrote quickly (single letters rather than double letters) for example! ~ nowadays I enjoy a more casual style of handwriting... this old dog IS relearning old tricks! 🤗
Thanks for your time,
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