Poetry Compendium
Dànachd: verse (poetry)
Sgrìobhaiche: scribe/correspondent, writer ...
'Tha sin mar sin'
"That's the way it goes, that's life",
Gaelic-tradition: certainly runs rife!
Family sayings and feelings surviving,
But conversing in 'English' - is living?
"That's the way it goes, that's life",
Gaelic-tradition: certainly runs rife!
Family sayings and feelings surviving,
But conversing in 'English' - is living?
© Ewen A. Morrison
'O, cuir an sgeul gu Mac-a-Bha is fag mar sin e!'
(Oh, just leave it, forget about it, ok?)
Poets expressing gifts of poetic thought,
And understanding that 'class' isn't truth:
Poetry's more from Spirit a poet's 'wife';
Celebrity is our enjoyment, forsooth!
Enhancing, advancing - happy celebrating!
Reading, writing, our wisdom's evolving...
Earthlings certainly, we universally sing!
(Oh, just leave it, forget about it, ok?)
I took the title with an enigmatic smile;
Roma herself described me as such... agus *
Bilingual rhyming: via my verses' file,
Here's what's emerging and without fuss!
© Ewen A. Morrison
*(agus means: also, too/jointly)
This amateur to life's living,
Gave what is to give, for-giving,
Evolving's worth; while BEING,
Surely, everyone including!
© Ewen A. Morrison
Ro math!
Very good! in this second language;
Schooled in this Beurla Shasannach,
Yet - b' fheàrr leam - would prefer
Semi-bilingual's the happiest path!
© Ewen A. Morrison
One can't imagine being a mother,
Presently thinking this just now,
This male's grateful to his mother;
Both Parents, to whom we bow!
© Ewen A. Morrison
Unreal UK
"What a second golden age would do for Britain"
Well, some read 'Britain' and think England...
Few Scots are that duplicitous and may refrain?
The future UK, an Unraveled Kingdom: understand!
© Ewen A. Morrison
Poets expressing gifts of poetic thought,
Are philosophers freely sharing outside ilk;
From whom ideas/philosophies are brought,
From draft to write, as smooth as silk! *
Readers, come from all walks of life,
And understanding that 'class' isn't truth: +
Poetry's more from Spirit a poet's 'wife'; +
Celebrity is our enjoyment, forsooth!
And understanding that 'class' isn't truth:
Poetry's more from Spirit a poet's 'wife';
Celebrity is our enjoyment, forsooth!
Word by word thought/feeling exchanging,
Enhancing, advancing - happy celebrating!
Reading, writing, our wisdom's evolving...
Earthlings certainly, we universally sing!
Enhancing, advancing - happy celebrating!
Reading, writing, our wisdom's evolving...
Earthlings certainly, we universally sing!
© Ewen A Morrison
Draft - 29.5.2018
Posted in All Poetry: 11.5.22
Garden rabbits were watching from their stances,
What's the subject? possibly my camera... or me?
This photographing poet loves the happy chances;
Actually, the picture was taken and is have t' see!
Shot: 1/8 sec. f/32 250mm... at Lorn Rd. garden,
The details are here for camera fans t' consider;
Otherwise, please enjoy the pleasure here given;
With rabbits peering at us... so welcome thither.
The wildlife's used to us in the back garden space:
Complacent rabbits, bird-table users, inc. Doves,
Comfortably arriving and feeding at their place;
So who complains about such lovely situations?
© Ewen A. Morrison 💓
('Rosgadh': eyesight/(the act of) observing and/or observation)
Were living and lived in our families' homes,
Contentedly happy for one and each other...
Were living, loving where happiness roams;
Lovingly remember each father and mother!
© Ewen A. Morrison x
20.7.2021 & 11.5.22
Hi/hello there! --- if spoken in another tongue,
Two languages that threaded through our lives:
Talked amongst family - yes, same as 'among',
Talking bilingually, certainly an' truly thrives!
So, Gàidhlig or Beurla: this English language,
Were used within our homes, schooled in one;
But not in our mother tongue; could I assuage?
On/off memories: there's little here to be done!
Poetically depicting... Remembering the acts:
Childhood memories are emerging nowadays;
Yesterday's been and gone; such are the facts,
Comfortably progressing, adjusting our ways!
© Ewen A. Morrison
e. 08.02.21 & 11.5.22
Old friendship? In our second language... I explain;
I was born to a bilingual family, agus some remains.
You and I were so close... If not so? There IS pain!
I'm sorry to be unsure here; whoever truly explains?
Perhaps an Ineffable situation, as it seems to me,
But to ignore this without questioning, cannot be;
If one never questions, there are NO answers, see?
Writing/talking to one's self... implies insanity!
Anyway, being between two minds is truly possible,
That is actually the case with bilingual people...
Maybe monoglot individuals feel it's impossible;
However, I don't agree with them... Being gullible?
In closing, I'm leaving this rhyming creation here,
Being composed as both a practising exercise and a
The questioning piece that's bilingualist and clear;
Perhaps just an old amateur's poetic blah, blah?
© Ewen A. Morrison
Young òg ✌️
Tha mi òg!/I'm young! - referring to 'Murray';
Can frequently meet him, in Dunbeg's shop...
And others like William, well-tended, anyway:
Local store - useful and our handy wee stop! 💓
Murray's endlessly occupied, continually busy;
Anyway, they've has time for customers too:
That's part and parcel of services:... not easy;
Better than supermarkets, wee shops are few! 🤔
Murray spared some time, visiting St Kilda;
Business people get 'married' to their tasks,
Holidays: priceless, more joyful than "aha!"
Afterwards, "fully-refreshed" - anyone asks? 😉
© Ewen A. Morrison 🏴
e 228.6.22

Scottish Gaelic for sister, as she knew well,
She has now 'Gone Home' - as many believe,
Having joined so many others, parents I tell;
Among our wiser souls, feeling a true relief!
Ionmhainn/beloved person,
and forever in our hearts
© Ewen A Morrison
From The Province of the Cat, by George Gunn,
published in Bella Caledonia and is inspiring;
telling to the Tories, a good article's begun,
evolution does not go backwards, he's sharing!
The state of things as they actually exist...
as opposed to idealistic or notional ideas, as
England's London government seem to resist;
however, presently engrossed in razzamatazz?
Unreal Kingdoms only exist in a sorry fantasy,
London's government's known internationally...
everyone knows about British Empire's legacy;
the real world knows what matters REALLY!
© Ewen A Morrison
Showing or feeling a strong aversion.
Unreal Kingdoms cannot justify Union;
Similar: hostile, opposed... aversion?
Otherwise, expect this UK to disunion!
© Ewen A Morrison
Alba ~ Scotland
Alba is Scottish Gaelic for Scotland
And in semi- bilingual thoughts and
Writing - currently is where I stand;
Both languages combined, understand?
© Ewen A Morrison
The Westminster Government has grossly and repeatedly violated the provisions of the Claim of Right, a contractual obligation ratified by the nations of Scotland and England in the Treaty of Union of 1706. It has ruled Scotland, not as an equal partner in a political union but as a colony. It has thwarted the democratic will of the people and disposed of our assets to enrich the privileged few. It has moved to end our ancient sovereignty by replacing it with Westminster parliamentary sovereignty via Clause 38 of the EU Withdrawal Act. Yet the source of legitimate power in Scotland remains, and will always remain, the people of Scotland.
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