
McCrone Report

                                            Knowing about the McCrone Report?  What have you learned about it? Generally, I'd only answer a qualified yes! If I'm asked to explain what I knew/know about that report, my limited response would tell how little that I really understood. Broadly speaking, I've interested in politics since my early teenage years and I would have been pleased to be able to vote as early as our present teenagers can do - we couldn't, of course. These are changed days, indeed! Most of my thinking and understandings emerged from access to a wonderfully wide range of reading experiences and sources... I was a child of 'a bookish family', and 'computers were science-fiction items.  (almost unimaginable to kids today!)  In this day and age, it may seem like an alien concept to youngsters:  my youngest years were spen...


Living/breathing We are more than the sum of our parts, living and breathing...beating hearts... eternal existence - more than mythical thoughts and fantasies, really factual! We inhale/exhale ~ evolution's charms, more'n bibles/preachers: mind's farms. Perhaps, we should respect the heart? 'Gut-feelings'- *smointeachdainn part!                             © Ewen A. Morrison (*Scottish Gaelic - "smointeachdainn": 'considering, thinking'.) My enjoyment in reading many blogs has continually added to my wonder and curiosity! Generally similar to my personal following of several visual arts (bar ballet! ;). These passions have been continually enriching, of course. That enrichment inevitably fosters and encourages the yen to practice, practice and practice... longing for almost impossible objective - but a wonderfully enjoyable journey! Thanks for your time, Ewen ...

Keira's Canvas

                                                                  Once upon a time... A certain person was briefly visiting our small garden shed - for reasons that will remain a mystery - when I tripped over my own feet, and not for the first time ever ! : " amaideach !" /amadʲəx/   ' foolish, ridiculous, silly'  ~  (as my mother tongue would put it) ~  Well, apart from flitting back and fore between languages, the story will continue... My first attempt at drawing the above image was purely for posting the drawing 'online', so that our granddaughter, Keira, could have a laugh at her  GP.  'GP' was first coined when Dylan, her big brother, was a young boy and our first grandchild... he used to call me 'Grampa'. Like all children, they're delightful, of course! Ho...

Old Masters/New Painters

                                                   Amateur cover ... freehand painting! This 'new painter', will add a few more words ~ This photograph was taken of one of my oil painting 'covers' - covering one of my hero's works - namely, Johannes Vermeer, the fabulous Dutch artist! More of his details and examples can be found online these days... rather than traditional book reading methods.   We need to bear in mind that every 'master' began as an amateur... worth saying, but not always a credible challenge! Admittedly,  when hearing artists stating that they couldn't draw...  professional modesty? - not always! I used to think that drawing was a prerequisite for being a true artist... the ability to draw reasonably well. That opinion lasted well into my later years - until I learned about using 'Tracedown'. What is Tr...

@ channel 4

In a recent 'Channel 4' programme which was about the flagship Brexit TV debate, there were no Scottish representatives... to quote someone who's equally disappointed: "it would have been nice, for once, to have a perspective from all four nations and not just an English perspective" ~ 'all the panel live/work in England' ~ Perhaps that small quotation says enough? I'm unable to relate to Mr Nigel Farage in any truly political manner... especially as I understand that he is not representing a political party!  Maybe he looks up to a mirror to see his hero? Anyway, as I've stated, he is clearly irrelevant to Scotland's realistic electorate - let alone the average person within the so-called United Kingdom! I must confess, here, to being an entirely biased writer: I'm a member of the SNP... for as long as it may require for us to regain our independence ~   Saor Alba/Free Scotland!   🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿  So, there you have my lifelong feelin...

First Grandson

Elder grandson, Dylan, painted in Oils... based on an early photograph.     Every time I visit this 'Alba's Images', the temptation to add another image is quite irresistible... so, here's another. As an addict of both photography and painting, how can I avoid combining both? A rhetorical question, of course. I'm delighted that artisticness, transmits via our genes!  When I write comments about my art interests, it's sometimes a question of having to focus on one or the other... it feels odd, trying to segment this interest, without wishing to form priority - certainly outside my abilities. Implication: 'artisticness' being some form of "gut-instinct'  perhaps, but why question... simply enjoy, and share anyway! Every related aspect and ponderance - good meditation always (smilingly writing). Maybe consider the essence of Art-Zen... feeling a poem coming here... and will post ~    Art-Zen, or Zen-Art for new poem to be writing soon, rela...

Twittering ~

                                                                  Twittering ~ A tweet from time to time Is fine, & can be sublime! & always readily to hand; Optionalities... one'll see? © Ewen A. Morrison