"Shin Thu!" 'Hi/hello there!'

"Shin Thu!" 'Hi/hello there!' - when spoken in another tongue... Scottish Gaelic 

Here is our commencement page of Alba's Images (Scotland's Images), and will serve as a preliminary section before this blog gets further established... which will, of course, be a steadily gradual procedure. Bearing in mind that Ewen Morrison (myself) originally instigated this blog, a few words about me may be useful at the outset of the 'blog'? I've enjoyed surfing the internet for many years before my retirement, in February 2010. I had been a DSA ADI (Driving Standards Agency Approved Driving Instructor), or 'ADI' as we called each other.  

That period of employment was of far greater value than you may think, the profession itself was wonderful, of course, yet the actual interactions between my clients/pupils was invaluable... and for ones that don't count value in monetary terms, this requires little further explanation! I comfortably in admitting that I'm not the most social person you'll meet...  unlike my wife Rosemary! I'm much, much more reserved - but not a loner. 

Blogging, in general, seemed similar to keeping a journal of some sorts... which was about as close as I'd come to understand the idea of 'blogging'. I also concluded - by following a fairly wide range of blogs - that there didn't appear to seem to be a clear definition of what 'Blogging might actually involve. That seemed fair enough to me, and also echoed what I'd already discovered in my own amateur art-working! Perhaps any style of philosophy is open to individual interpretations? However, if one is born into a family which is bilingual, it seems to place another angle on a person's thinking, analysing and suchlike! In my childhood, almost without being conscious of it, my thoughts comfortably flitted back and forth between lines of thought in both languages!? Thankfully, we mainly spoke in one or the other language... it must be more intriguing if a monoglot person than for multilingual people?

I hope you'll forgive me for getting a little side-tracked there, and we'll move further towards compiling the body of this procedure ~ which will  range back and fore, from Photographs, Poetry, Prose and some room for  emails and suchlike --- so here we go ~

Thanks for tour time and interest,


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