*Smiling Monster?
'Scary Smile'
At one time, Grandparent Ewen, (GP), was practising one of his favourite hobbies - he loves being an amateur artist. His normal username is: 'ewenart'... which includes all forms of 'art' (except ballet dancing!), he would be sure to insist! Anyway, in this day and age, anyone who doesn't use a PC isn't easy to find, if not impossible? In any case, Personal Computers feel as natural as one's eyes and ears! As Ewen's children have grown, becoming parents themselves also! Family members have been delighted to see everything, plus, as genes pass through our generations!
Naturally, genes carry much of what'll be passed on from generation to generation... along with some aspects which are more difficult to explain. Older relatives assure us: seeing evidence of predecessors' behavioural tendencies and attitudes as well! Take, for example, this painting named 'Scary Smile'. The painting emerged as an abstract image - entirely original, of course. However, at a later point, it was shown to youngest grandson Ewen John, who was told that 'GP' felt too scared to paint all of the face! Of course, as children love to, he volunteered to do it: "because I'm not scared to paint it!" His Grandad pencilled in the area required painting on a drawing pad. Ewen John studied that sketch intently... that area was painted. He wasn't scared, and the painting was completed!
To 'E.J', as his granddad calls Ewen John, the chance to help paint the "scary smile" and prove his courage at the same time was irresistible! Ewen felt both delighted and impressed by E.J.'s willingness and his focused diligence... which was very much more relaxed than these words imply: watching such a youngster dealing with this art-painting in a style that would suit a more experienced artist. Such occasions are among the sweeter treats in life! Some years later, when a conversation mentioned that Keira is an artist - "so am I!", shouted her cousin, Ewen John ~ who'd change a child's spirit?
Presently, in November of 2017, GP is planning to compose a comic-like article, which will be proofread by both Keira and Ewen John. That 'comic' will be composed and fabricated at their Grandparent's home, using the house's Scanner/Printing device... who'd be better and more qualified than these important characters as proofreaders?
Many authors - if not most - will comprise various forms of drafts for prospective works. Other writers have different tendencies, which are difficult to explain rationally... a 'gut instinct' - if that style 'floats your boat', then why should you analyse? There are artists who may say that 'the work takes over' - and who's to argue?
Ewen frequently receives messages from sites he'd looked at. A fairly wide range of sites... there are common themes running through the sites involved... namely, art related elements: writing prose, poetry, photography, essays and such like! Perhaps these interests/hobbies are developing a life of their own, and Ewen's just following? Someone's working life is usually a necessity, rather than a pastime. However, your time is well spent if you recognise the practicalities involved, without seeing them as being more or less important than what they really are. It would be rare not to find some degree of 'art' in your employment! Any perceived problem could be more due to your outlook, rather than a reality?
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