
SNP elite has chosen to serve as a colonial administration
Extremely deceitful and most treacherous NuSNP's deception
The colonizers' agents are ignorant: where sovereignty lies
The politicians aren't serving their voters; so we despise

Both Holyrood and Westminster, hey have condemned their own 
Nation and people through their inaction and deceit: disown
The outcome's “a calcified colonized society”  -  UK beside
Originating internally alongside corset imposed from outside

More than three centuries have passed - as I'm writing this
And realising that our ancestors had similar feelings to us
Centuries, more like minutes, between the ages we discuss... 
Quietly Resuming Scotland's independence peacefully, no fuss!


© Ewen A Morrison



Elegance sounds both grand and respectable 

But the above can sound rather egotistical

Also/agus, my old-man was quietly ineffable

Our bilingual forbears were/are respectable

Dignified grace in appearance and movement 

Behaviour is always elegant in refinement;

Progressively, we and they reflectingly do

Mirror each other, as if time's stopped too 

You are "just like your Dad", Roma informs

They came from different times and customs

However, if there is a hereafter dimension

Our relatives may agree on the implication


© Ewen A Morrison


Doppelgänger"? 👀


An alternate self is believed to be distinct from

A person's normal or true original personality...

Aye, while this is not entirely correct; nearly is;

After all, cànan/language is bilingual information,

Perhaps the last line is news to some of us, here?

Indeed, that includes me - with "Bilingual" also;

In our childhood, this meant nothing to children.

Sadly, innocence gradually evaporates. Are wiser?

Now Scotland's youth are favourably enthusiastic

About regaining its independent place again and

Ending this so-called Union of nations and areas;

Alternative futures for our two different nations.

Like finding one's alter ego, populations can too,

People are more informed than they've ever been...

And such populations can elect representatives to

Guide their homelands, or they will fail everyone!


© Ewen A Morrison



Won at too great a cost to have been worthwhile
For the victor; and Scotland's wee quiet smile 
Sometimes calling "Pyrrhic", not Alba Scotland
London, beware of quietness and an active hand 

Real friendship excludes talk of superiority 
Naturally, no thoughts or talking of victory
Uniting Kingdoms existing historically, see...
History exists/ted - is colouring mentality 

Yesterday's lessons are feeding this process
Impossible to know when tomorrow brings yes!
'Saorsa' says freedom, liberty/redemption...
Bilingually rhyming about Scot's intention


© Ewen A Morrison



Grouse Beater

Otherwise called Gareth, his personal name
My reader will have personal opinions, same
Who'll speak on your behalf? our Gareth can 
Perhaps He represents Scotland's population
Ineffably difficult to do - he speaks for us
The rest of us might be resigned to silence
But sometimes, one of our own speaks anyway
And we know that Westminster's insufferable
However, Dictatorships cannot be supported
And normal democracies ARE their enemies...
Arrogance is just as contemptible as it IS,  
Democratic honour and decency will prevail!


© Ewen A Morrison


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