Restore Our Constitution ~

Restore Our Constitution ~                                                                  

Join Salvo and campaign with thousands of others who want to secure Scotland’s self-determination and restore our constitution... Please review the following:-

The Claim of Right:


Scotland is an independent country in a union with England, a union that is governed by the 1707 Treaty of Union. That treaty has a get-out clause for Scotland called the Claim of Right, an act of the old Scottish Parliament. The Claim of Right is a fundamental condition of the treaty that preserved in all time coming the sovereignty of the Scottish people.

We all need to get that message out to everybody in Scotland. We need to get them to sign the Edinburgh Proclamation and build the Scottish Liberation Movement.


Join the Scottish Liberation Movement

On 1st September 2022, Salvo proclaimed Scotland’s constitutional sovereignty, as embodied in the Claim of Right Act, and invited our civic and business communities to join with members of the public to urgently recall the Convention of the Estates, in the form of a modern, Scottish National Congress.

Now it’s time to get to work. To do all of that and to support our case to the UN and the international community, we need to build popular support through a Scottish Liberation Movement.


The Liberation Movement will enable Scotland to ignore the weasel words of the Westminster Government that we need their permission to regain our independence. We do not.

Join the Liberation Movement

The Scottish National Congress

On 1st September 2022, we invited members of the public, and our civic and business communities to recall the Convention of the Estates. This will be known as the Scottish National Congress.

The Scottish National Congress will be an organisation devised, organised and operated in the most open democratic manner. People will not be invited to join, instead, membership is open to all and all are invited to apply to serve to genuinely reflect a true cross-section of Scottish society.

Membership of the Congress itself shall be by ballot and rotation. An important role of the Congress will be to examine issues of national importance where expert witnesses will be called and matters put to a vote to determine the outcome of the Congress’s debate.


The Scottish National Congress will be the living embodiment of the sovereignty of the Scottish people in action.

{King Charles and the Claim of Right

A post by Gareth Wardell (Grousebeater) on the King’s swearing to maintain the Claim of Right}


The Edinburgh Proclamation

The document that proclaims our sovereignty. Sign it here



Notice to Quit

Read out by Neale Hanvey, MP, on 1/9/22, to the Secretary of State for Scotland

Neale Hanvey Speech 010922

Speech by Neale Hanvey, MP, before a static assembly of 100 people on 1/9/22 at the UK’s Colonial Office, Edinburgh


Why The Claim of Right Matters

The Claim of Right enables us to build not just an independent country but also a better, fairer one,

This Is Our Claim of Right

The Claim of Right, its history, why it matters today, and what you can do to restore our self-government and make a better, fairer Scotland


The Case of the Missing Constitution

An irreverent take on how AV Dicey obfuscated, hid and outright lied about the Treaty of Union for the UK parliament to ignore Scotland’s constitution


A Real and Ancient Constitution

A timeline along the path of Scotland’s ancient constitution, from pre-medieval times to when the Union suppressed our national identity and unique constitution.


The Treaty Bites Back

The forgotten condition of the Treat of Union – what every Scot should know. Plus, Dicey demolished: even if you’ve never heard of him, by the end of this you’ll be bilin’ at what he – and by extension, the UK govt – did to keep our ancient birthright from us – and why.


Salvo Blog | Wrong People (after minor editing of commas etc.)...

Contact Salvo and/or email us at

Thanks for your time,

Ewen A Morrison 



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